Right people ah have a little info i got off the net that you guys might find useful..
Flow Rates @ 15psi:
TDO4-9B-6CM2 265 CFM
TDO5-12A-8CM2 320 CFM
TDO4-13G-5CM2 360 CFM
TEO4-13C-6CM2 360 CFM
TDO4L-13G-6CM2 360 CFM
TDO4L-15C-8.5CM2 390 CFM
TDO5H-14B-6CM2 405 CFM
TDO5H-14G-8CM2 465 CFM
TDO5H-16G-7CM2 505 CFM
TDO5H-16G-9T ______________________(E4) 49178-01500 961118003
TDO5H-16G-10CM2 505 CFM
TD05HR -16G6 -10.5T (Inconel) (505 CFM?) (E5) 49178-01500 990309072
TD05HRA-15GK2-10.5T (Titanium) (505 CFM?) (E6 TME GSR.) 49178-01500 990309072
___________________________________________________49178-01570 000313030
TD05HRA-16G6 -10.5T (Titanium) (5xx CFM?) (E6 TME RS, RS & RS2.)
___________________________________________________49178-01560 000727000
TD05HR -16G6 - 9.8T (Inconel) (505 CFM?)__________(E7) 49178-01590 9102051xx
TD05HRA-06*16G6- 9.8T (Inconel) (505 CFM?) (E7) 49178-01590 00101x002
TD05HRA - 16G6 - 9.8T (Inconel) (505 CFM?) (E8 RS) 49378-01510 021210186
TDO6-17C-8CM2 550 CFM
TDO6H-20G-14CM2 650 CFM
TDO7S-25G-17CM2 850 CFM
TFO8L-30V-18CM2 1200 CFM
Max Output:
TD05-14B (stock 1st gen) 275-300hp @ 21 psi
TD05-16G (small) 345-365hp @ 22 psi
TD06-16G (large) 365-385hp @ 22 psi
TD06-20G 430-450hp @ 22 psi
T25 (stock 2nd gen) 235-250hp @ ?? psi
T3 (super 60)/T2.5 hybrid 265-280hp @ ?? psi
T3 (super 60)/T2.8 hybrid 270-320hp @ ?? psi
Evolution 1
Turbo = TDO5H–16G-7
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 7
Exhaust turbine = Inconel (steel alloy)
Compressor = Aluminium, 60mm wide
Evolution 2
Turbo = TDO5H–16G-7
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 7
Turbine = Inconel (steel alloy)
Compressor = Aluminium, 60mm wide
Evolution 3
Turbo = TD05H–16G6-7
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 7
Turbine = Inconel (steel alloy)
Compressor = Aluminium, 68mm wide
Evolution 4
Turbo = TD05HR-16G6-9T
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 9
Turbine = Inconel (steel alloy)
Compressor = Aluminium, 68mm wide
Evolution 5
Turbo = TD05HR-16G6-10.5T (GSR)
_______TD05HRA-16G6-10.5T (RS)
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 10.5
Turbine = Inconel (steel alloy - GSR), Titanium alloy (RS)
Compressor = Aluminium, 68mm wide
Evolution 6
Turbo = TD05HR-16G6-10.5T (GSR)
_______TD05HRA-16G6-10.5T Titanium (RS & RS2.)
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 10.5
Turbine = GSR - Inconel (steel alloy), Titanium alloy (RS/RS2)
Compressor = Aluminium, 68mm wide
Evolution 6 : Tommi Makinen Edition
Turbo = TD05RA-15GK2-10.5T (GSR)
_______TD05HRA-16G6-10.5T (RS/RS2)
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 10.5
Turbine = Titanium alloy for both RS/RS2/GSR!
Compressor = Aluminium, 65mm (gsr) - 68mm(rs) wide
Evolution 7
Turbo = TD05HR-16G6-9.8T (GSR)
_______TD05HRA-16G6-9.8T (RS/RS2)
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 9.8
Turbine = GSR - Inconel (steel alloy), RS/RS2=Titanium alloy
Compressor = Aluminium, 68mm wide
Evolution 7 GTA
Turbo = TD05-15GK2-9.0T
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 9.0
Turbine = Inconel (steel alloy)
Compressor = Aluminium, 65mm wide
Evolution 8
Turbo = TD05HR-16G6-9.8T (GSR / USDM E8.)
_______TD05HRA-16G6-9.8T (RS/RS2)
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 9.8
Turbine = USDM EVO 8 & JDM GSR =Inconel (steel alloy),
_________RS/RS2=Titanium alloy.
Compressor = Aluminium, 68mm wide
All Evo 4-8 Turbos are twin scroll designs meaning that the engines exhaust is divided into two channels (see first pic). As the engine exhausts in pulses.. its supposed to result in quicker spooling. From the Evo 4 onwards, the Turbo spins in the opposite direction, i.e. Anticlockwise (hence the R in the turbo name).
The Titanium Alumnide alloy used in the RS/RS2 and some GSRs (factory option) has less inertia and thus spins up around 500 rpm sooner.
These Titanium turbos can be identified by the “A” in their name.
Evolution MR aka "8.5"
GSR = TD05HR-16G6-10.5T or TD05HRA-16G6-10.5T (Ti Alloy option)
RS = 6MT:TD05HRA-16G6-10.5T or 5MT:TD05HRA-16G6-9.8T
Nozzle Area (cm2) = 10.5 or 9.8 (RS-5speed)
Compressor = Aluminium, 68mm wide