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Starting in 2002 new anti-lag techniques, such as Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR), are slowly overtaking the method described above as they are kinder on the engine's mechanical parts.
На дисплее выведены обороты турбины, обороты двигателя видны справа на приборка.
The car is a 2007 Impreza STI Spec C. The knob over to the right of the steering wheel is his “cal pot” or calibration potentiometer. Pectel ECUs provide up to 4 switchable maps. That’s custom display in Caltool, Pectel’s calibration software, on an Acer tablet PC. When the “zero lag” is activated, the Pectel SQ6M ECU cracks open the throttle to start the zero lag process. That’s why the revs go up. That’s the turbo speed at 130,000+ RPM. The reason why it shows 0.0 at the beginning is because most turbo speed sensors do not read below 10,000 RPM. The turbo is an IHI RX-6 from one of the later generation of Prodrive WRC rally Imprezas.
This is part of the reason why Prodrive WRC Motors were tore down and serviced every 600-700 kilometers , Its brutal on the motor itself.